‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’ – Aristotle.

Annual Concerts at The Lexicon Schools are a platform provided to create a magical spectrum of talent in speech and drama, performing arts, costumes, special effects and so much more. Empowering each student through multiple intelligences, we offer a stage worthy for every child to nurture, groom and showcase their talent. The Lexicon Schools believe that co-curricular activities are as important as academics, as they are also an essential part of a student’s learning and growth giving them a chance to understand their true potential.

Annual Concerts at The Lexicon Schools are like a celebration of life and an explosion of talent. They also exhibit a glimpse into the achievements of and the laurels brought in by the students of the school in various academic and non-academic fields. The Management, Principals, Head supervisors, Supervisors, teachers, students, technical and admin staff and even the parents usually have a strong contribution to every aspect of the planning and organizing involved in this celebration of art and education.

The Lexicon Schools rightly believe in the words by Benjamin Franklin, ‘If you teach me, I will forget; if you show me, I might remember; and if you involve me, I will understand’. The themes chosen for the concerts are always powerful, relevant, thought-provoking, inspirational and diverse. The theme is then beautifully woven into each element to bring meaning that depicts the high standard of performance achieved through dance, drama and breath-taking performances. With the availability of an infrastructure set-up that is at par with modern technology for theatre and music, the world is a stage for our young students brimming with talent.  

Children want the same thing we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained and delighted.” – Dr. Seuss. Every school under the Lexicon mantle puts in a rigorous process of meticulous planning, organizing and research to create an extravaganza that offers multiple windows of opportunity for a show that would be appreciated by all. One can imagine a plethora of presentations on a single topic when the framework is ready with a smooth medley of foot tapping numbers, admirable choreography, PowerPoint presentations, costumes, props, invites, and so on.

Students are trained to present the role-play with poise, expression and emotion. Extensive practice also ensures that they confidently deliver dialogues with proper intonation, voice modulation, and pronunciation.

The main focus of everyone is to achieve the level of excellence and perfection we aim for and believe in. At Lexicon, presentation of the program with perfection is of topmost priority. The highlight of the entire concert is the seamless flow of the program, gracefulness in dance, confidence in demeanor and the impressive oratory skills of the students.

The concert is accompanied by LED displays, videos and PPT presentations, and these elements are the ICT teachers’ delight! This is their creative contribution to bring about a more realistic feel with mesmerizing effects that transport you in time and space. The stage technician adds to the mélange with light and sound effects. Teachers also prepare wonderful props to depict the theme. The creative imagination and craftwork thus taking the presentation of the role play to another level.

Parents are the most wonderful partners of our Annual Concerts. Parental support has always been a great advantage for all Lexiconites as we all believe in working towards a common goal. Apart from assisting in script ideas, props and makeup, they also lend their wholehearted support by adding a rocking ‘parent-performance’ for every concert. Their support in every concert in large numbers heralds a success story of every student on stage, standing confidently with great pride with his or her performance.

The central theme of the 2019-2020 Annual Concert was ‘India – Ancient and Modern’; this was presented in different ways by comparing the changes we have seen in various fields like- education, sports, communication, astronomy and family system. The events showcased varied dance and drama representations of the different Indian eras.

‘Believe in yourself’ – the motto of The Lexicon schools is a source of inspiration and constant encouragement for our students to keep going strong on the road to perfection.

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