With the commencement of the new academic year 2022-2023, parents are racing to enrol
their children in the finest CBSE school available, where they may best improve their
academic and social abilities. However, selecting a school is no longer as simple as picking a
cupcake. One must inspect every component of the location where his or her kid will spend
the following 14-15 years of his or her life. Aside from the school’s high-quality curriculum,
there are a slew of other factors to consider. It’s not enough for a school to have a beautiful
structure, play spaces, air-conditioned classrooms, activity laboratories, and laptops or
tablets. Learning is so much more than simply buildings and amenities. Extracurricular
activities, outreach to other prominent organizations that may advise kids on non-academic
efforts, yearly price structure, and publishers that offer study material are just a few of the
important factors to consider before enrolling your child in a CBSE school. After all,
qualifying from a top school ensures future success.
Here are few important points to think about while selecting the ideal CBSE school for your
Gather information about schools –
When investigating schools, you may also have to make phone calls, collect written material
from different schools and look for reports in your local paper to get the information you
need. You can check public school report cards (see Parent Tip) and go to parent fairs and
school open houses. You can find reliable school information online on sites such as
www.greatschools.net and www.schoolresults.org as well as other sites listed in the
Resources section of this booklet. The hard work will be worth your while if you find a school
that brings out the best in your child.
- Curriculum
- Does the school have a strong program of core academic subjects such as English, history, mathematics, science, arts, and foreign languages?
- What courses does the school offer in addition to the core subjects?
- What evidence is there that the school is effectively teaching students to read?
- Does the school have a special focus or theme for the curriculum?
- Does the school offer challenging courses such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and high school honours courses?
- Does the school provide enrichment opportunities for all students? For gifted students?
- Does the school have extracurricular activities that support what is taught?
- Is there an effective English language acquisition program for children who need it?
- If your child has special learning needs, does the school have a curriculum and the necessary supports to appropriately accommodate those needs?
Approach to learning
- Does the school have a particular approach to teaching and learning?
- If yes, do you think your child will enjoy and learn from this approach?
- Does the school do all it can to make sure each child learns? Does it provide opportunities for children to get extra help when they need it?
- Is the school staff able to communicate in the language that your child understands?
- Are children with limited English language skills, learning disabilities, or other special needs learning and performing well on tests?
- What is the homework policy? Does it match your expectations for how much homework your child should do?
Academic performance
- How do the school’s test scores compare to those of other schools? (Check the school’s report card if it is a public school or ask for information from the school if it is a private school. See ‘Parent Tip’ on school report cards.)
- In the past few years, have test scores risen or declined?
- How does the school explain the rise or decline? How well have children similar to your performed on these tests?
- How do students moving on to the next level of schooling perform in their new schools?
- How many students leave the school before completing the last grade?
Behaviour policy
- What does the school do to help develop character and citizenship?
- What is the discipline policy? How does the school handle students who misbehave?
- Are teachers fair in their responses to students? Does the school have a program and supports to prevent and address behaviour problems?
- Are students allowed to leave school by themselves?
- What measures has the school taken to ensure safety? What security measures are in place?
- What is the policy on school absences? How does the school encourage daily attendance?
- Do school personal call parents when students are absent?
- Does the school have a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program?
- Does the school have a dress code?
- Do students wear uniforms?
- Is the school safe?
- How does the school prevent and handle problems with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?
- How does the school prevent and handle violence, bullying, harassment, and other forms of abusive behaviour?
- What measures does the school take to ensure safety? What security measures are in place?
- What is the school’s relationship with the local police?
- Is there a police officer on duty during school hours and for extracurricular activities?
- What information is available on serious crime in the school?
- What information is available on students’ bringing weapons to school?
- Does the school have an emergency plan for local and national emergencies?
- What does the school do to ensure that parents and all school administrators know the emergency plan?
- What is the attendance rate for students?
- What do students say about the principal?
- What do students say about the teachers?
- Do the students have school spirit?
- What do students say about homework?
- Do students participate in and enjoy field trips?
- Do students feel safe and secure at the school?
- What do student publications say?
- What else do students say about the school?
Academic and experimental experience:
India’s best CBSE schools are not just concerned with academics. They give chances for a
variety of activities as well as field trips, all of which are critical for a student’s growth. It is
necessary to pick a school that offers opportunities for the child to learn in many ways. These
schools also provide students with an in-depth look into areas where they are interested, apart
from concentrating on their usual syllabus.