Education is the manifestation of the perfection already present in man- Swami Vivekananda.
Education begins from the birth of an individual in an informal way. They learn simple skills by observing and adapting to new changes every day. The setbacks, problems and failures become an inevitable part of their life which mould and educate them to learn and execute their responsibilities in an effective manner.
Educated people have logical thinking and can foresee problems. They also can come up with solutions and contribute to the betterment of society. Education also develops our personality, our thoughts and helps in critical evaluation of any situation and prepares us for life’s challenges in a positive manner. Education not only polishes our minds but reinforces our thoughts to view obstacles as challenges to overcome them with no fear of failure.
Education needs hard work, dedication and the urge to explore and acquire. We gain knowledge from our day-to-day experiences, from our parents, school/ colleges/universities. In school students learn new styles and techniques to study well and score good marks. When a teacher introduces a new topic, the students learn new concepts, clear their doubts and learn effectively.
Do students’ study to educate themselves or just to score higher?
When it is about scoring marks and performing which, all students believe in, it is just that they study to score higher. They set their goals and move ahead inorder to achieve a certain percentage without focusing on the practical learning and understanding the concept. It’s more the peer and the parental pressure which makes them feel that these systems of marks are the real measures or indicators of intelligence. Children forget that the real goal or the zest for learning is missing. In fact, the self-expectations at times lead to stress and affect the positive environment of learning which ultimately causes disinterest in attending classes and the inability to understand the subject. Here are some ways in which we can develop suitable solutions to reduce anxiety, depression and fear of academic failure.
Students should have a balanced life-giving equal importance to sports which in turn will reduce stress. They should create a proper schedule to manage academics in an effective manner. They do not have any unreasonable expectations and always “Believe in themselves”.
Students need to develop a self-reflection or self- assessment process and should leave behind the burden of judgement by society and friends. If the child removes the fear of failing to meet expectations, he will enjoy learning, explore more and might also achieve the highest possible grade. In fact, this kind of learning will build a new learning community in which learning will be promoted.
Children should set their strategies to study, to ensure better understanding and long-term learning. They should be focusing on practical implementation of learning techniques and avoid distractions like social media, gaming. They need to set an engaging environment for studies, they should not be lethargic and have self-regulation with time management. The students should plan their work and then work their plan, figuring out the best means by developing strategies which will help them stay calm, organized and master the necessary skills.
Well educated and supportive parents can guide their children with academics, value added evaluations creating a reduced achievement gap. The parental support will promote better social skills, fewer behaviour problems and build independent decision makers.
To conclude we should ensure that students are confident in whatever they do. They should understand that it’s not the marks which will help them achieve success in life, but learning by doing will help them face challenges in the near future. A person is truly educated when he changes from just a human being to being human.